Grander Water Revitilisation
Following the work of Viktor Schauberger, Johan Grander has tried to produce a water that has optimal properties according to the natural science of Schauberger. This information water sold in the specialised units entrains other water it comes close to.What is Revitilised Water
Grander has followed on from the work of Viktor Schauberger to produce something practical enough to even be used by several Austrian hospitals. Take a look at The Grander Main Website for more information and the varied used of Grander technology.
Grander Products
Grander have enough confidence in their products to offer a 3-month money back guarantee (apart from shipping) on most of their sealed units.
The Penergizer
The smallest unit shaped like a pen and used to revitilise water in the glass. Very handy if you are away from home and unsure of the water quality. Useful for someone who wants to try out the Grander technology at a lower price than other units.
Tank Rods
Designed to be kept in
water tanks and
ponds to reduce algae and the effects of stagnation. The small rod is
as a portable unit sufficient for taking a bath, or a shower when
placed next
to a water pipe, as well as being able to revitalise all drinking water
bottles or glasses. It is very useful for someone who travels a lot, or
to have flexible use around the house without the expense of a full
unit. I have even used a small rod (bottom picture) in a hotel swimming
which is far more water than the unit is designed to handle. People
noted that their hair and skin had not been affected by the chlorine
and I
for one felt good for swimming whereas I would normally feel negative
from a chlorinated pool of tap water.
Size and Weight Specifications
Portable Water Revitiliser / Single Outlet or Shower Unit
This unit easily attaches between a shower unit outlet and the shower hose. Sufficient for optimally revitilising water from any single water outlet pipe.
Household Water Revitiliser
The unit to revitilise all water in a house. It is plumbed into the water main as it enters a house. There are two sizes, the larger being required for optimal revitilisation in a house with 3 or more bathrooms or an area of very hard water.
Energy Board (Small or Large)
Somewhere to stand water, keep in a fridge where food becomes less prone to mould. Something to sleep over!
Blue Water
Drinking water from the spring in the Grander copper mine. This water has undergone a revitilisation process lasting several months placing it somewhere between the water in the sealed units and the water which is revitilised from the units.
Grander Sulphate Water
Grander Sulphate Water is a mineral-rich sulphate water enhanced by using the Grander revitalisation process. It is for external use only.
Ordering Information (England, Scotland and Wales only)
Please ask for a price list by email. You can purchase a unit or bottled water initially by contacting me by telephone or email to establish the unit suitable for your requirements, finalise the current price, then by sending me a cheque or I can send you an email with a credit card payment button.